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The Epic Restructure

Writer's picture: Elizabeth 'Tayo DavidElizabeth 'Tayo David

I'm not sure about you, but for most there was much change and transition, repositioning, and realignments. There were changes of allegiances and alliances, much refining and purifying, renewing of covenants, commitments and callings, etc.

It is what God is doing corporately and globally.

He is positioning people into new places according to His timing and intent in preparation for the next Great Move and Ingathering in this generation. And, some have been waiting and watching for this for decades.

It is a trend that will change the trajectory of the Church, and result in transforming the landscape of communities, corporations, and whole countries.

Change is happening on so many levels - international, national, regional, professional, congregational, personal, spiritual, financial, and even physical.

It is - An Epic Restructuring!

If you have been in work for any length of time, you would have heard about, been through, or been affected by a restructuring of some sort. In your team, department, or organization.

What is a Restructuring? And why is it necessary?

According to Wikipedia:

Restructuring is the corporate management term for the act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of a company for the purpose of making it more profitable, or better organized for its present needs.
Other reasons for restructuring include a change of ownership or ownership structure, demerger, or a response to a crisis or major change in the business such as bankruptcy, repositioning, or buyout…

(The Result)

A company that has been restructured effectively will theoretically be leaner, more efficient, better organized, and better focused on its core business with a revised strategic and financial (or business) plan…

Did You Get a Memo?

Were you in your seat, watching, praying, waiting for your new instruction and/or appointment?

Are you stepping out? Or, staying where you are?

Maybe you are meant to move sideways, upwards, or free fall and launch out?

Either way - Wake Up! Something is happening...

And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. (Romans 13:11)

Historically, restructures have been a strategic means of awakening or reviving the Church, depending on whether the impact was amongst believers, or in wider Society.

Examples are:

Considering what has been happening in recent times, I believe the scriptures below give some clues as to what may be happening:

Let's take a closer look!

The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh requested to stay on the Eastern side of the Jordan.

Why? Because they had livestock!

They were Herdsmen - Workers!

And, they took pride in their work.

Breeding cattle was their vocation and calling. They were not clergy but, their work was their pulpit and place of worship - a pleasing offering to God.

Like Bezalel (Exodus 31) they were:

“filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills”

For what purpose?

To breed, rear, and care for cattle or other livestock in their herd. Their work was their worship to God. However, there was a more strategic and critical reason. God required them to go to battle with the other tribes so they would learn the art of war.

They would learn how to:

Hear God's voice, use their gifts, pray, receive wisdom, see miracles and other supernatural interventions.

In other words, they learned what it would take to depend solely on God to expand their territory, impact, and influence in the context of their work.

How does this apply?

We must learn to integrate our motivational gifts (Romans 12) and our spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12). Only then can we effectively and strategically serve our communities and meet the needs of our time in society.

Motivational gifts are as important as spiritual gifts

The Motivational gifts in Roman 12 enable us to be innovative, enterprising, and productive. They require us to use our intellect, talents, skills, and abilities to engage the world. When we integrate them with Pentecostal gifts, imagine what a dynamic force we can be in every sphere of society; changing the narrative of people's lives, and those of whole communities and global entities.

We Need to Engage Our Mind

We must optimize our intellectual capacity.

Pentecostals need to come out of the bubble of busy and noisy religious routines, and be positioned to demonstrate that the God of the Bible is full of ingenuity, originality, innovation, resourcefulness, enterprise, insight, inspiration, intuition, flair, artistry, genius, intelligence, brilliance, mastery, talent, skill, sharpness, astuteness, acumen, quickness, shrewdness, sophistication, thinking outside the box, beauty, excellence .

God Possesses infinite Wisdom - Sheer Brilliance.

Like the rainbow that has numerous “colours” hidden from the naked eye, we should reflect such colour, ingenuity and brilliance.

We should be the greatest thinkers, innovators and creatives in our fields of learning, expertise, administration, and in execution.

Historically, ordinary Christians have optimized both gifts to do phenomenal things in society. They saw a need and rose to meet it in simple but extraordinary ways.

The current needs in our society are complex and huge. Prayer alone will not solve them.

We need to engage all of our God-given faculties, facilities, and resources. Only then will we be adequately equipped to bring justice, order, beauty, and flourishing to the great opportunities and challenges that we face today.

Pentecostals would gain a lot from other streams if they would go over, sit quietly, watch, listen, and learn from others critical lessons about God's sovereignty, mystery, diversity, ingenuity, and propensity for inclusivity.

A Divine Restructuring Will Certainly Do The Job...

We need a Shake-Up!

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